Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We're studying poems...naturally!


As you know, we've been reading poems for the past few weeks. This week, we will study different types of poems (concrete, narrative, rhyming, haiku) as well as different poetic elements (hyperbole, simile, metaphor, personification). Poetry can be challenging, but definitely worth the effort!

A common image that will pop up in all our poems this week is nature. We will suffer the cold with "Sam McGee", experience "Winter" with Nikki Giovanni, find ourselves "Washed in Silver", and splash around with a "Seal". These poems were inspired by images or elements of nature.

What things in nature do you find inspiring? What scenes would make you want to write a poem? Is it the smell of fresh cut grass? The feel of ocean waves crashing against your toes? The pink sky of a spring sunset? What images in nature make you feel poetic?

See you in class!
Ms. L

Monday, February 9, 2009

Who Are You?


This week we are studying poetry that focuses on celebrating our unique and individual qualities. We read poems about being an individual and loving our differences. Here is a cool poem I found on the same topic. It's on a really awesome site that has many other funny poems. To check it out, just CLICK HERE!

ByPaul Curtis

Always remember that you're unique
Unequalled, uncommon, c’est magnifique.
One of a kind quite, special and rare
Singular, original, not one of a pair.
Special, the exceptional you embody
You're really unique, just like everybody.

I like how this poem explains the true definition of being unique and reminds us that every one of us is unique in our own way. Now I want to know...what is your unique quality? What makes you "one of a kind, quite special and rare"? Or would you rather be like Emily Dickinson's "Nobody"?

Looking forward to hearing your responses! Post them in comments and remember to leave your first name, last initial and period when doing so.

See you in class!
Ms. L

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Announcing FCAT Fun Friday!!


Our favorite friend, THE FCAT, is right around the corner! The test is scheduled for March 10th and 11th. In order to get ready, I'm declaring every Friday from now until then as...




We'll be doing super-fun learning games called "Brain Battle", "Double Trouble", and "Category Challenge". We'll also watch a very silly (but educational!) video to bump up our test taking skills.

What ideas do you have for FCAT Fun Fridays??

See you in class,
Ms. L