Tuesday, March 17, 2009

You're a Poet and Didn't Know it!

Hi Starfish,

We are studying different types of poetry all this week. This will help us prepare for our poetry page. I'm curious...what type of poems do you like best? Can you post it in the comments?

See you in class,
Ms. L

Friday, March 13, 2009

Limerick Time!

Of all the poems we are going to study, I must say I love to read your limericks! Sometimes they are difficult to write because of the strict rhyme scheme and meter, but I think the challenge makes them even more fun to write! Here is a limerick I'll share with you:

There was once a team of small starfish,
Who wanted to grant Ms. L one wish,
They turned in all their work,
And said with a smirk,
"Now it seems 7th grade is quite finished!"

What do you think?? Can you write a limerick about 7th grade, too? Try leaving it in the comments!

See you in class,
Ms. L