Monday, October 20, 2008

Extra Credit for Blogsters!

Hello Starfish,

Have you taken advantage of the extra credit yet? You can either:

a. Leave me a comment (using the correct form) for 2 bonus points


b. Copy down the "Blog Expectations" (#s 1-5) and bring them in with a parent signature for 10 bonus points



Happy Blogging!
Ms. L

ps - Do you think Jonas and The Giver will ever be able to change their situation and share the memories with the community? Why or why not?


Anonymous said...

No, because the people would think too much about what happened before them. They would also start to complain that Jonas and The Giver could see the color red and they could not. Also, that Jonas is getting memories of the past.

Drew H., 2nd Period

iloveyou said...

No,I think that they will never be able to share the memories with the community because the comunnity will complain and think Jonas and the Giver are to wise.THey would also have to feel pain and it would hurt the elders and everyone else.

ZachL said...

I think the most important amendment to the Constitution is the 2nd amendment, which is the right to bear arms. Without guns, we would be defenseless against criminals, who do carry guns. So, as long as you have no felony convictions, you should be able to carry a gun.