Monday, February 9, 2009

Who Are You?


This week we are studying poetry that focuses on celebrating our unique and individual qualities. We read poems about being an individual and loving our differences. Here is a cool poem I found on the same topic. It's on a really awesome site that has many other funny poems. To check it out, just CLICK HERE!

ByPaul Curtis

Always remember that you're unique
Unequalled, uncommon, c’est magnifique.
One of a kind quite, special and rare
Singular, original, not one of a pair.
Special, the exceptional you embody
You're really unique, just like everybody.

I like how this poem explains the true definition of being unique and reminds us that every one of us is unique in our own way. Now I want to know...what is your unique quality? What makes you "one of a kind, quite special and rare"? Or would you rather be like Emily Dickinson's "Nobody"?

Looking forward to hearing your responses! Post them in comments and remember to leave your first name, last initial and period when doing so.

See you in class!
Ms. L


Unknown said...

Mrs. Layendecker, i love to be UINIQUE! But sometimes i just wish to be a nobody? Well i dont know its just sometimes, when you do something emmbrassiing or stupid you just want to feel like a nobody so everyone wont bother you. Do you understand that? Well i wish the way we are could change at any given time, you know? Well this is very dificult to explain so.... ill just leave it with that!


Anonymous said...

What I think is great about my uniqueness is that no one can duplicate it or take it away from me.

Tristin B, period 5

Unknown said...

In my opinion a lot of things are unique for everybody. Like your personality.

softballbabe_15 said...

hello!!!!!!!!! Well I personally rather be unique, because if I was a nobody,it would be very boring because I would be all alone and not have any friends. I love being unique because that makes me who I am and I wouldnt have it any other way! I love being who I am!!! -Lauren Delalastra 4th period

bchgirl said...

I love to be special in my own way, but sometimes i wish i were someone else. I want to be a somebody but then again a nobody. I want to be known but whenever you do something I dont want anyone to know about I want to be a nobody. Yet I still love bieng myself.

-Rachel H. Period 1

Drew Hollingsworth said...

Mrs. Layendecker, I am unique because I am a lefty. Thats unigue because kids think I can't do certain things. But I can, because I can do anything if I try.

Drew Hollingsworth 2nd period

rachel p said...

hi ms layendecker. your class is my favorite out of all of them. see you in second period.

ParkerK said...

I would rather be unique rather than nobody, Because im random, creative, and full of energy! I would hate being nobody bundeled up in a corner! (or locked in my bedroom!)

ParkerK said...

I love to be unique Alot better then being every body else, It make me know that im my own person and that people will never be able to copy me!

-Kristin P.

Period 5th