Our favorite friend, THE FCAT, is right around the corner! The test is scheduled for March 10th and 11th. In order to get ready, I'm declaring every Friday from now until then as...

We'll be doing super-fun learning games called "Brain Battle", "Double Trouble", and "Category Challenge". We'll also watch a very silly (but educational!) video to bump up our test taking skills.
What ideas do you have for FCAT Fun Fridays??
See you in class,
Ms. L
Maybe we could do like a FCAT reading jeopardy game or something. We could also do a vocabulary hangman! Hope these ideas help! =)
Great ideas, Claudia! Thanks for the input. I hope you guys will like my new and improved version of "Double Trouble"!
Hello Mrs.L
I thought the FCAT fun friday was such a great idea. I usually dont study for the reading FCAT but im glad we did it in are calss. I dont know what i got on the FCAT but i think i did better because i use stragies that you taught me, so thank you very much. :)
victoria j
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